
ErrorBarsX(y, lo, hi, args...; kvs...)

PlotComponent to draw horizontal errorbars at vertical positions y. lo specifies the lower, hi the upper end of the error bar. Both must have the same length as y. args and kvs can be used to set additional style attributes.

SymmetricErrorBarsX(x, y, err, args...)

PlotComponent to draw symmetric horizontal errorbars with length 2 * err at positions (x, y). err can either be a scalar, which gives each errorbar the same length, or an Array with the same length as x and y, which allows to assign a different error to each data point. args can be used to set additional style attributes.


barsize Real  


x = 1:10
err = (1:10) ./ 10
errbars = SymmetricErrorBarsX(x, x, err)
p = scatter(x, x)
add(p, errbars)